How to Avoid Cracks in Concrete: Des Moines Homeowner’s Guide

Concrete, a staple in modern construction, is revered for its strength and durability. However, homeowners often face a common challenge – cracks in concrete. Understanding the causes and solutions to this issue is key to maintaining the beauty and structural integrity of your concrete structures. Let’s explore how to keep your concrete crack-free.

Understanding Concrete Cracks

Concrete cracks are more than just a cosmetic issue; they can indicate underlying problems in your construction. Cracks form in concrete for various reasons, from natural settling to environmental factors. They are classified based on their depth, width, and pattern. Some cracks are surface-level and mostly affect appearance, while others, deeper and wider, can impact structural stability. Understanding these differences is crucial for homeowners, as it helps in determining the severity and the necessary steps to address them. Concrete is inherently rigid and lacks flexibility, which contributes to its tendency to crack under certain conditions. Recognizing the types of cracks and their implications is the first step towards effective prevention and repair.

Understanding Different Types of Concrete Cracks

Concrete cracks come in various forms, each indicating different issues and levels of severity. As a Des Moines homeowner, recognizing these types can guide you in taking the right action:

  • Hairline Cracks: These are thin, superficial cracks that often appear within the first month of new concrete curing and setting. While unsightly, they are usually not a sign of structural issues.
  • Shrinkage Cracks: As concrete dries, it shrinks slightly. This can lead to small, network-like cracks, known as shrinkage cracks. They typically do not affect the structure’s integrity.
  • Settlement Cracks: These occur when the ground beneath the concrete shifts or settles unevenly. These cracks can be more significant and may indicate underlying issues with the soil or foundation.
  • Structural Cracks: These are wider than hairline cracks (usually wider than 0.15 inches) and can be a cause for concern. They often result from heavy loads or structural design flaws and may require professional assessment.
  • Expansion Cracks: Caused by the expansion of concrete during hot weather, these cracks occur when there’s insufficient space for the concrete slab to expand.
  • Frost Heave Cracks: In colder climates, the freezing and thawing cycle can cause the concrete to lift and crack, known as frost heave cracks.

Common Causes of Concrete Cracks

Cracks in concrete often stem from a few common causes:

Excess Water in the Mix: Adding too much water to the concrete mix is a leading cause of cracks. The excess water evaporates, leaving gaps that weaken the structure and lead to cracking.

Improper Curing: Curing is the process of maintaining adequate moisture, temperature, and time to allow the concrete to achieve its desired strength. Poor curing practices can result in uneven drying, leading to surface cracks.

Temperature Variations: Concrete expands and contracts with temperature changes. In Des Moines, where temperatures fluctuate, this can lead to stress on the concrete, causing cracks.

Subgrade Compaction Issues: The ground beneath the concrete needs to be well-compacted. If the subgrade is uneven or shifts, it can cause the concrete above to crack.

Understanding these common causes helps homeowners identify potential issues in their concrete structures and take preventive measures.

Possible Additional Causes

In addition to the common causes, there are other factors that might lead to cracks in concrete:

Structural Load Stress: If a concrete structure bears more weight than it’s designed to handle, it can crack under the pressure. This is often seen in driveways or floors that carry heavy loads.

Rapid Drying: If concrete dries too quickly, usually due to high temperatures or wind, it can lead to surface cracks known as crazing.

Shrinkage during Curing: As concrete dries, it naturally shrinks a little. If this shrinkage is restricted in any way, it can lead to cracking. This is often seen in larger slabs of concrete.

Foundation Settlement: Over time, the ground beneath your home can settle. This movement can cause stress on the concrete, leading to cracks. Soil type, moisture content, and improper compaction can exacerbate this issue.

Water Erosion and Drainage Issues: Improper drainage can lead to water pooling around concrete structures. Over time, this can erode the soil underneath, leading to uneven support and cracking.

Chemical Reactions: Certain chemicals, like those used in de-icing salts, can react with concrete, causing it to deteriorate and crack. This is particularly relevant in areas that experience harsh winters.

Understanding these additional causes can help homeowners take appropriate measures to avoid them, ensuring a longer life for their concrete surfaces.

Concerns with Cracked Concrete

Cracked concrete isn’t just a matter of aesthetics; it can pose serious concerns. Visually, cracks can diminish the look of your Des Moines property, affecting its curb appeal and, potentially, its value. More importantly, cracks can compromise the structural integrity of the concrete, leading to potential safety issues. Water can seep through cracks, exacerbating the problem by causing further deterioration and possibly affecting the foundation of your home. Understanding these concerns highlights the need for prompt and effective responses to concrete cracks, ensuring the safety and maintaining the value of your property.

Preventative Tips to Avoid Cracks

To keep your concrete surfaces crack-free, consider these preventative tips:

Proper Mix and Water Ratio: The strength of concrete largely depends on its mix. Ensure a balanced water-to-cement ratio. Too much water weakens the concrete, making it prone to cracking. Use the minimum amount of water necessary for workability.

Curing Techniques and Timing: Proper curing is crucial. Keep the concrete moist for at least the first week after pouring. In Des Moines’ varied climate, consider covering the concrete with wet burlap or a curing blanket to maintain the right moisture levels.

Temperature Control: Protect fresh concrete from extreme temperatures. In hot weather, use sunshades or water sprays to cool the concrete surface. During colder months, use insulated blankets to maintain a consistent temperature.

Reinforcement Options: Reinforcements like steel bars or wire mesh can distribute weight and stress more evenly, reducing the likelihood of cracking.

Control Joint Placement: Control joints allow concrete to expand and contract without cracking. Place these joints at strategic intervals, typically 24-30 times the slab thickness in feet.

Expert Advice on Mix and Design: Consulting with a concrete expert can help tailor the mix and design to suit your specific needs, especially for unique or heavy-load projects.

By implementing these tips, homeowners in Des Moines can significantly reduce the risk of cracks in their concrete structures.

Preventing Concrete Cracks Post-Installation

Maintaining concrete after it’s installed is crucial for preventing cracks. Des Moines homeowners can adopt these practices to preserve their concrete structures:

Regular Inspections and Maintenance: Conduct seasonal inspections of your concrete surfaces. Look for early signs of wear and tear, and address minor cracks before they expand.

Proper Drainage Management: Ensure that your property has effective drainage. Water should always be directed away from concrete surfaces to prevent erosion and uneven settling underneath.

Managing Tree and Plant Growth: Be mindful of tree and plant placement near concrete areas. Regularly trim roots that may grow too close to the concrete. Consider installing root barriers where necessary.

Use of Sealants: Applying a concrete sealant can provide a protective layer, reducing the penetration of moisture and chemicals that can cause deterioration.

Avoid Chemical Deicers: In winter, avoid using harsh chemical deicers on your concrete surfaces. Opt for more concrete-friendly alternatives, like sand or kitty litter, to provide traction without damaging the concrete.

Mindful Weight Distribution: Avoid placing excessively heavy objects on concrete surfaces not designed for high loads. Distribute weight evenly to reduce stress on any particular area.

When to Call an Expert

Determining when to seek professional help can save you from future complications:

Identifying Serious Cracks: Not all cracks are created equal. If you notice wide, deep, or rapidly expanding cracks, it’s time for a professional assessment. These could be indicative of underlying structural issues.

Structural vs Non-Structural Cracks: Distinguishing between cosmetic and structural cracks is vital. While hairline cracks might be superficial, larger, irregular patterns can signal serious problems. An expert can identify the nature of the cracks and suggest appropriate solutions.

Importance of Professional Assessment: Experts bring a wealth of knowledge in diagnosing and resolving concrete issues. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation, advice on repair options, and preventive measures to avoid future cracking.


Understanding the causes and prevention of concrete cracks is essential for maintaining the integrity and appearance of your property. By being vigilant and implementing the right practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of cracks. Remember, when in doubt, consult a concrete expert to safeguard your investment and ensure the safety of your Des Moines home.

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